We need money to survive today. This is a fact that I do not think that will change anytime soon. But how important is money? I feel like it can be very easy to become obsessed with how much money we have or need to live comfortably. We live in a world where we need the newest car, the newest iPhone, or a vacation home up in the woods. But sometimes having all these nice things can come at a price. There are many households who have a duel income because they want to have the extra money. These couples want to make sure that their families have everything they need and more. But you actually end up losing money. Think about it. The more you have, the more you spend. I have noticed that in my life. When I had a job back home, I did not have to worry about spending $20 on a shirt because I was making that money. But know that I am up at college, I budget so much more. When homes have a duel income, you end up spending home. So it is really that important that the mom goes to work and leaves the children with a nanny? Is it worth not having the mother raise the children?
Wanting to have a lot of money and feel comfortable isn't necessarily bad, but it is one of those things where could focusing your time on your family be better. I heard that the battle in the world isn't good vs evil, but rather good vs more good. Having that boat isn't a bad thing, but if you are working 20 hours overtime to pay it off, it is worth missing out on family time? I think families that struggle with this need to make good shifts that strengthen the family. Something that we should remember is no success will overcome failure in the home. We need to look at what is our priority and if it is not our spouse and children, then we need to reevaluate ourselves.
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